

The Tableplop dice roller lets you roll dice and run mathematical and programmatic expressions in the chat. There is no fudging going on behind the scenes, don't blame Tableplop when you miss your 5th shot at a zombie!

Dice Buttons

For simple rolls the dice buttons let you compose a roll without typing, just click the die you want to add it to the roll and adjust the modifier with the + and - buttons. This will compose a dice roll in the chat message box. Use the submit button to post your message and roll the dice.

<aside> 👈 You can long press a die to reset it.


<aside> 🖱️ If you're on a PC you can right click a die to remove one from the roll.


Dice roll syntax

If you want to write your dice roll or expression yourself instead of using the dice buttons you will need to either start your message with !r (r for roll) or wrap the expression in curly brackets {...}

!r syntax example

!r 1d20 + str + prof

Curly bracket syntax example

The following will be evaluated: {1d20 + str + prof}

Curly brackets are useful for inclining rolls in a message so that you can for example say:

I swing my greataxe with {1d20 + str + prof} to hit


Dice take to form of number "d" number, like {4d8}. You can also omit the first number to default to one, like {d20}. With this you can roll any esoteric die you can imagine like: {2d102}

Advantage (a)

Add 'a' after your dice roll to roll with advantage. This will discard all but the highest roll in the result. If you rolled one die the advantage option will automatically change it to two.

!r 2d20a

Disadvantage (d)

Same as the advantage option you can use disadvantage by adding a 'd' after the dice roll.

!r 1d20d